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Real Life Chinese
The Real Life Chinese (RLC) materials are designed for self-study but are most effective when combined with well-designed contextualized learning that includes feedback. The materials are designed to allow the user to familiarize him or herself with the basic phonological and structural patterns associated with modern standard Chinese. Autonomous interaction with Chinese counterparts in Chinese is the ultimate goal.
It includes 4 units of listening and speaking materials, 3 units of reading and writing materials, intermediate readers, and movie classes.
Tutor program
If you want to have an experienced Chinese teacher to design your curriculum, check on your progress and provide feedback from time to time, please check our tutor program.
Real Life Chinese, the Chinese you can use everyday!
Real Life Chinese
What You Will Learn

There are 4 units, 38 stages in the Real Life Chinese listening and speaking bundle. You will learn how to communicate with Chinese in authentic contexts as you learn.

The movie classes are designed to develop the learners’ narration and story-telling skills. Through the movies classes, the learners will be able to communicate with Chinese people in a higher level.

There are two parts in the reading and writing materials: beginner and intermediate. There are 3 units, 29 stages in the beginner level, and 12 stories (14 stages) in the intermediate reader.